
This 10-week transformative journey empowers you, your nervous system and your inner child. Dive deep into your soul, unveiling buried truths, confronting shadows, and reclaiming your power to embrace vulnerability, rewrite your story, and step into the magnetic energy of your highest self, health and life!
10 Self-Study Modules
Learn, acknowledge, heal & rewire through various topics each week

8 Bonus Modules
8+ hours of additional lessons, healing and rewiring tools

Bonus On-Demand Portal
20+ hours of additional modules and tools based on your unique needs

40+ Healing & Rewiring Sessions
Release your past and integrate elevated beliefs and beliefs for embodied transformation

10 Guided Workbooks
To support your weekly lesson, reflections and prompt deeper self introspection.

Private Telegram chat to ask questions and stay connected.

Your Inner Child Blueprint + Opening Your Subconscious
Dive into the foundations of your being by exploring the blueprint of your inner child and unlocking the door to your subconscious. You'll identify key experiences that have shaped you, understand your deep-seated beliefs, and begin the process of acknowledging and healing these foundational aspects.

Cultivating Safety in Your Life, Body & Nervous System
This session focuses on creating a sense of safety within yourself and your surroundings. You learn techniques to calm and soothe your nervous system, fostering a safe haven in your body and life. By cultivating a secure base, you start to unlock the pieces of your puzzle to heal from past traumas and build resilience against stress.

Healing Attachment Styles & Embodying Security
Understand your attachment style and its impact on your relationships, money, success, personal growth and fulfilment today. Through this healing and rewiring work, you'll start to form healthier attachments and embody a sense of security within yourself, paving the way for more fulfilling connections and security for abundance and opportunities.

Releasing Mother
& Father Wounds
This session aims to address and heal the deep wounds inflicted by parental relationships, known as mother and father wounds. By acknowledging and releasing these pains, you'll free yourself from past hurts and step into a more empowered version of yourself and create space for stability in your relationships, increased self esteem and so much more!

Abundance Awakening, Living Beyond Scarcity
Shift your mindset from scarcity to abundance in this transformative session. You will work on dismantling limiting beliefs around scarcity, opening your heart and mind to the abundance that life offers, and fostering a mentality that attracts prosperity and fulfillment.

The Inner Teenager & Transforming Anger
Explore the tumultuous world of your inner teenager, addressing the anger, rebellion and perhaps even sadness, that still influences your adult self and developed the coping mechanisms you use today. We'll transform these feelings into constructive energy, helping you to express yourself authentically and navigate emotions with grace.

Empowering Your Self-Love, Self-Worth, and Personal Power
If you don't feel worthy, you don't love yourself. And if you don't feel worthy or love yourself, you'll struggle to receive in all areas of your life. Elevate your self-love, solidify your self-worth, and reclaim your personal power in this empowering session. Through self-reflection and healing exercises, you'll strengthen your relationship with yourself and become a match for the love, health, success & abundance you deserve.

Navigating Criticism & Feedback, While Embracing Praise
This session will help you build resilience against external judgments while teaching you to accept and cherish positive feedback, enhancing your self-esteem and confidence. Additionally, you'll focus on the clear communication of your needs, empowering you to express yourself effectively and ensure your emotional well-being is respected and prioritized.

Surrendering to Flow of Life & Feeling Safe to Trust
Discover the beauty of surrendering to life's flow, releasing the need for control, and cultivating trust in the journey. We'll explore practices that encourage letting go, trusting the process, and embracing life's unpredictability with open arms. This session will also delve into understanding the underlying reasons behind our need to control, helping you to identify and address these triggers, fostering a deeper sense of peace and acceptance.

Embracing Wholeness & Celebrating Your Inner Child Awakening
Assess your progress on the inner child awakening journey, celebrate your growth, identifying areas that may require further attention. Gain clarity and access tools for ongoing integration and advancement in your life, aiming for ultimate love, success, and fulfillment. This exploration helps you to continue evolving, ensuring no aspect of your healing is overlooked, and supports you in achieving a balanced and thriving existence.


Energetics, Healing & Reprogramming 101
Understand the essentials before diving into this transformative course, guiding you towards emotional libration and self discovery.

Overcoming Survival Consciousness & Fear State
To embody a state of abundance, safety, groundedness, and fearlessness.

Healing the Womb & Suppressed Sexuality
Creating a safe space for emotional openness, honesty, and creativity, empowering your authentic self to flourish.

Shedding Low Self-Worth, Shame & Powerlessness
To embrace worthiness, cultivate self-respect, and step into empowered confidence.

Releasing Jealousy, Grief & Resentment
Experience profound healing and self-discovery as you journey into contentment, acceptance, forgiveness, inner peace, and a deep well of self-love

Taking Things Personally, Fear of Visibility
Rewire to embrace interpersonal perspective, allowing yourself to be seen and heard by others with confidence and power.

Illuminating Self-Trust, Clarity & Your Inner Vision
Feel empowered embrace your Innate potential and purpose, knowing that your intuition and internal guidance will never lead you astray.

Exploring Boundaries & Need to Control
Taking back your power and releasing uncertainty,or a lack of trust in yourself/other to enter a state of total surrender.